Waste removal tips

Next-Level Medical Waste Removal Tips

Biohazard disposal keeps both medical personnel and the surrounding population free from highly contagious diseases. From soft tissues to patient information, waste removal is a daily occurrence with any medical facility. Take medical waste removal to the next level by thinking outside of the box for innovative ways to save time, money and lives simultaneously. 

Employ Medical Waste Removal Containers Like Recycling Bins

Taking control of biohazard disposal means making containers available for every possible waste item. Purchase several containers and label them clearly with their particular biohazard waste. Gowns, needles and blood tubing are just a handful of items that should be sorted according to type. Similar to recycling bins, all waste is divided out into different containers to be discarded or cleaned as necessary.

Electronic and Paper Waste Count Too

Most medical professionals immediately think of pathological or linen waste in the workplace, but electronics and paper are also candidates for medical waste removal. Patient information within hard drives is critical information that must be destroyed if a facility is purchasing new computers, for example. Even deleted or transferred files on an old hard drive can still be recovered by questionable people. Paper files must also be dealt with to protect patient privacy using proper disposal.

Trust One Pickup Company

Find one medical waste company that offers consistent quality service. Try several companies before settling on just one, however. Medical facilities need to see if the company’s disposal and cleaning abilities are top-quality. To seal the business relationship, ask about contracting with the disposal company. With a set amount of visits within a year, all medical waste is properly controlled to protect personnel and patients.

Keep up with New Regulations

Although it’s the waste management’s job to keep up with current regulations, take the initiative and ask an employee to work research into their workday. They can verify current waste removal protocols and match them to the contracted company. If there are any concerns, that employee builds a strong relationship with the waste company to work out any issues. Multiple points-of-contact make communication more muddled, creating possible problems with waste disposal and customer care.

While medical professionals should be well-versed on biohazard disposal practices, hold monthly meetings to cover refresher concepts. From handling used needles to soiled linens, medical waste is a constant sight in patient-care facilities. Covering best practices keeps everyone updated for an overall safe workplace.